Truths About Psychiatry


The Truth About Psychiatry


My medical doctors and psychiatrists got me addicted to half a dozen different brain-altering drugs.  They had me cycling through four different sleeping pills.  They also had me on pain killers.  Anytime that I would complain about the side effects, they would give me another drug.  On any given day, I would take a dozen different drugs.  Half of the drugs had suicidal ideation as one of the side effects.  The ONLY time I was ever calm was while I was thinking of different ways to kill myself.  That’s your brain on drugs.  I overdosed on the sleeping pills trying to end it all.

I don’t believe in Psychiatry anymore.  Psychiatry is the pinnacle of Materialism, Naturalism, Darwinism, and the Physical Sciences.  I discovered from observation and first-hand experience that the drugs or medications cannot do Psyche Therapy.  In fact, substance-induced psychosis IS a mental illness.  Brain altering drugs produce mental illnesses.  The Psychiatrists treat your mental illness by giving you half a dozen NEW mental illnesses.  The Psychiatrists do harm to your brain chemistry and cause your brain imbalances as a result.  It can kill you.

One of my greatest and most useful scientific discoveries is the realization that Psychiatry cannot do Psyche Therapy and that Psychiatry actually causes mental illnesses.  When I (my psyche) finally decided to go cold turkey on the drugs, it took six months of withdrawal symptoms, psychosis, hallucinations, delusions, insomnia, and paranoia before my brain normalized and I started thinking rationally once again.  Six months is a long time.  That was one hell of a withdrawal.  One of my most significant scientific discoveries was my discovery that Psychiatry is hell.  The Psychiatrists and Pharmacologists can put you into hell faster and more efficiently than any other group on the planet.

The Psychiatrists and Pharmacologists should be forced to take their own drugs for a couple of months each so that they know first-hand the kind of hell that they are putting people through.  The drugs can’t do Psyche Therapy, so there’s really no reason to be taking them.

I got off everything but the Zoloft.  They wouldn’t let me stop taking the Zoloft.  However, my last pair of Psychiatrists were actually conservative.

The one told me that he could give me more drugs, but that his experience and observation had taught him that Therapy did people a lot more good in the long run than the drugs did.  So, he encouraged me to limit myself to the Zoloft and to focus on the Psychotherapy instead.  He was right.  The Therapy does a lot more good for the Psyche or the Soul than the drugs do.

The other Neuro-Psychiatrist did brain scans and told me that my brain is normal for someone my age.  He told me that my medical history proves that I’m overly sensitive to medications.  He then said to me not to let any psychiatrist in the future put me on the full dose of any medication.  He said, “Pick ONE, and get rid of all the rest.”  He said that my medical history indicates that I need the Zoloft, but he told me to immediately cut the dose in half, and then a year from now to cut it in half again.  He told me to keep cutting the dose in half until I get down to a maintenance dose where I’m getting ALL of the benefits of the drug without any of the side effects.

I did as he instructed, cut the dose in half, and almost immediately I went from being catatonic during the day to being able to function, drive, walk, and think during the day.  I took the Zoloft at night.  It calmed me, stopped the racing thoughts, helped me to breathe better, and helped me to sleep.  When I woke up, I was alert and able to think and function at half the dose.  I cut the dose in half a year later and found my maintenance dose – one-fourth the recommended adult dose.  I have also experimented with cutting the dose in half again, with mixed results.

If they won’t let you get off the drugs, then pick ONE, and then taper that ONE down to a maintenance dose where you are getting all the benefits with none of the side effects.  It works.  At the much lower maintenance dose, there’s actually some evidence that the Zoloft might be doing me more good than harm.

Be warned!  The psychiatrists and pharmacologists typically prescribe the maximum dose that they can get away with before that dose turns toxic and starts to kill you.  Get as far away from the point of toxicity that you possibly can, and the drugs just might do you some good in the end.  But, when they have you on the full dose and have you on twelve different drugs at the same time, that’s a prescription for Hell if ever there was one.  I KNOW, because I have been there and done that, and it was indeed Hell.

You don’t have to die in order to go to Hell.  You can do so right here, right now, and the Pharmacologists, Medical Doctors, and Psychiatrists can help you do so if you let them.

Mark My Words


Simple Truths About Psychiatry


By Dr. Peter R. Breggin MD

This is one of my all-time most favorite series about Psychiatry.  Dr. Peter Breggin documents medically what was done to me personally by my medical doctors and psychiatrists.  They just about killed me.  Psychiatry and drugs can be extremely dangerous.  They can kill you.  It’s actually refreshing to finally find a Medical Doctor and Psychiatrist who is familiar with that fact and is actually willing to talk about it online.  Highly recommended.  Dr. Peter Breggin ended up being one of my greatest scientific discoveries.


I archived this series on one of my websites in the hope that it won’t ever disappear on me while I’m alive.


01 – Biochemical Imbalance


02 – How Psychiatric Drugs Work


03 – Medication Spellbinding


04 – Helping Deeply Disturbed Persons


05 – Helping the Suicidally Depressed


06 – Psychiatric Drugs Are More Dangerous than You Ever Imagined


07 – Stimulant Drugs Crush Children


08 – ADHD Kids


09 – Stop Drugging Children


10 – Electroshock is Brain Trauma


I feel that this series might be the best thing I can “give” to you, especially if the Psychiatrists and Medical Doctors have you on a bunch of different brain-altering drugs.  If you are not careful, the junk can kill you.

Mark My Words




Tripping the Light Fantastic:  How Prescription Drugs Almost Killed Me

The Ultimate Model of Reality