
Out-of-Body Travel


The book, Adventures Beyond the Body: How to Experience Out-of-Body Travel, by William Buhlman was a game-changer for me.  There was my first encounter with someone who can go out-of-body basically “at will”.  He turned the whole experience into a Science.  I’m talking about a REAL SCIENCE of direct observation, experimentation, and lived experience – NONE of that garbage where they deliberately restrict their “science” to entropic physical matter, philosophical speculation, and wishful thinking.

This book about Out-of-Body Experiences (OBEs) provided me with some of my very first evidentiary PROOF that Materialism and Naturalism are false.  Buhlman ran science experiments and tried things out while out-of-body on the astral plane or in the spirit realm.  He did REAL SCIENCE, doing direct observation of the spirit realm and direct experimentation with the spirit realm, while out-of-body.  I thought this whole thing was really cool and fascinating.

With Lived Experiences, you go directly to KNOWLEDGE, TRUTH, and PROOF.  Lived Experiences are vastly superior to the scientific methods for getting at truth and proof and knowledge.  Technically, you can’t use the scientific methods to prove anything due to the wide variety of logic fallacies and biases which are built into the scientific methods.  But, you can definitely use Lived Experiences or Direct Observations as knowledge and proof of the truth.

This was the first book to help me see what Science should really be all about – Observation and Lived Experience, which document KNOWLEDGE and PROVE the TRUTH.

Buhlman helped to set me up, so that I was ready to take the NDErs and their out-of-body experiences seriously.

There are at least 13 million documented cases of Near-Death Experiences (NDEs) in the record of Lived Experiences for the human race.  The Materialists and Naturalists have chosen to deny and reject every single one of them.  Denial of evidence and rejection of evidence is NOT science!  But, this is exactly the way that the Materialists and Atheists do science, by denying and rejecting evidence or Lived Experiences that falsify their pre-chosen point of view.

The discovery of all those different NDEs and OBEs is in fact one of my greatest scientific discoveries!

The best way to KNOW God is to live Him and experience Him directly, or to choose to trust someone who has.  Science and Scientific Methods can point us to God as the BEST EXPLANATION for the scientific evidence.  However, through Lived Experience we can KNOW the truth and KNOW God directly if we want to.

That’s very powerful Science there!

Mark My Words


Here are a few of my favorite books about Near-Death Experiences and Out-of-Body Exploration:

Buhlman, W. L. (1996). Adventures Beyond the Body: How to Experience Out-of-Body Travel. New York: HarperCollins Publishing.

Durham, E. (1998). I Stand All Amazed: Love and Healing from Higher Realms. Orem, UT: Granite Publishing and Distribution.

See also:  Storm, H. (2000, 2005). My Descent into Death: A Second Chance at Life. USA: Random House.

These books convinced me that Out-of-Body Travel is real.  In fact, William Buhlman treats out-of-body exploration as a Science, an experiential and observational Science.  He actually experiments with the phenomenon as if it were a science.  He was the first person to convince me with Scientific Evidence, Experiential Evidence, and Observational Evidence that My Materialism, My Naturalism, and My Nihilism are FALSE.

After reading his book, there was NO going back to My Materialism, My Naturalism, and My Nihilism.  I found the Scientific Evidence or Observational Evidence too convincing to dismiss and ignore.

Mark My Words


My best friend is a Seer, has had Near-Death and Out-of-Body Experiences, and has seen and conversed with Jesus Christ.  I gave him a copy of William Buhlman’s book.  When my friend realized that I was interested in this subject, he introduced me to Near-Death Experiences on YouTube which I NEVER knew existed because I didn’t believe that such things existed and therefore wasn’t looking for them.

Particularly impressive for me personally were the hundreds of different accounts of Near-Death Experiences where people encountered and talked with Jesus Christ, the Being of Light and Love.


My best friend watched some of these with me and told me which ones matched with his experiences in the presence of Jesus Christ as well as which ones were fake.  I had NO idea that any of this stuff existed because I had been led to believe that such things do not exist because I used to be a Materialist, Naturalist, Nihilist, and Atheist.  I had a lot of falsehoods that I had been taught that I had to abandon and overcome.  It took a few years, once I finally decided to do so.

I still have TONS of that Materialism, Naturalism, Nihilism, and Atheism within me that I get blocked by and held back by from time to time.  It has taken some work to break fifty years of conditioning, brainwashing, and groupthink; but, it’s possible if one chooses to do so.  I now treat Near-Death Experiences, Out-of-Body Experiences, Shared-Death Experiences, and after-death Life Reviews as observational evidence, experiential evidence, and scientific evidence.  I now allow ALL of the evidence into evidence and have chosen to pursue a preponderance of that evidence.  It led me to Psyche, Quantum Mechanics, and Quantum Fields which led me to the Biblical God Jesus Christ.  Science itself convinced me that God MUST exist.  The observations and experiences of the human race convinced me that Jesus Christ really exists and truly rose from the dead.

Mark My Words



The Ultimate Model of Reality