Psyche Experienced and Observed

Experiential and Observational Proof of Psyche


The Materialists, Naturalists, Darwinists, Nihilists, Behaviorists, Determinists, Physical Reductionists, and Atheists teach and believe that there is NOTHING fundamental about energy or consciousness.  I have even heard them say the words, “There is nothing fundamental about energy.”  These people teach us and tell us that Psyche or Non-Local Consciousness DOES NOT EXIST.  These people erroneously teach and believe that ONLY entropic physical matter exists; consequently, these people teach and believe that energy or consciousness is an emergent property of entropic physical matter.  Whether they realize it or not, these people also teach and believe that entropic physical matter and entropy are conserved.  They got their priorities and science upside-down.

Psyche is the innate intelligence within all the different FORMS of energy which gives that energy the inherent ability to understand, follow, and obey God’s Laws and God’s Commands.  Energy is psychic and intelligent.  Energy is sentient, conscious, aware, and alive.  Psyche is Energy, and Energy is Psychic.  Energy or Psyche is the fundamental unit of reality because Psyche, Intelligence, Life Force, or Energy is always conserved.  In contrast, physical matter, particles, and entropy are simply different FORMS of energy.  The FORM is never conserved.  This is what has been experienced and observed.  Particles or quanta are popping in and out of existence all the time.  However, they don’t really cease to exist as the Materialists and Naturalists claim.  They simply change state, form, phase, or dimension while their underlying Intelligence or Energy is always conserved.  Particles or quanta are made and then destroyed.  They are NOT conserved.  Only the underlying energy, psyche, or intelligence is conserved.  This is what has been experienced and observed.  Entropic physical matter is NOT the fundamental unit of reality after all.  Entropic physical matter is MADE from many different FORMS of energy; and, the FORM is never conserved.  This is the Ultimate Law of Thermodynamics.

I learn best through comparison and contrast by comparing what has been experienced and observed with the philosophical speculation and wishful thinking of the Materialists, Naturalists, Darwinists, Nihilists, and Atheists.

Psyche has been experienced and observed.  Psyche is experienced as an immaterial, non-physical, intangible viewpoint in space.  Psyche is seen or observed by out-of-body travelers as a pinpoint of light, a point particle of light, or a spark of light.

As scientists, we have to expand, enhance, and upgrade Theoretical Physics and make it explain what has already been experienced and observed.  Psyche is like a photon, or a particle of light, or a quantum of light, except for the fact that Psyche actually emits light, or emits quanta, or emits and stores quantum waves.  Thoughts and memories are quantum waves.  Psyche is like a permanent, infinitely stable, perfectly conserved particle of energy or quantum of energy.  Psyche is NOT ephemeral – coming and going – transforming and being transformed – like the other elementary particles or quanta that have been discovered and observed.  Psyche, and the energy within psyche, is conserved.  It’s stable.  It’s eternal and everlasting.  Because Psyche is conserved, its FORM never changes.  Psyche is always a pinprick of light, or a point particle of light, or a spark of light.  Psyche is like a Starbase that instantiates, or starts, or makes the other quanta or quantum waves.  The traveling quanta have to come from someplace, and they come from the Starbases that we call Psyche.  Psyche makes and stores quantum waves.  That’s how Psyche is able to communicate with other Psyches – through quantum waves.  Psyche ends up being the fundamental unit of reality, or the conserved unit of reality.  Psyche is Energy, and Energy is Psychic.

The vacuum of space is NOT empty.  It is comprised of many different fields of energy which are omnipresent in time and space.  The various different Quantum Fields were MADE from energy.  “Particles” or quanta are excitations or “packets of energy” within Quantum Fields.  Psyche is the innate intelligence within ALL the different FORMS of energy which gives that energy the inherent ability to understand, follow, and obey God’s Laws and God’s Commands.

The gluons binding quarks together comprise 99% of the energy or mass in a proton and neutron.  The quarks themselves comprise only 1% of the energy or mass in a proton and neutron.  The massive energy of the gluons within a proton, as compared to the rest energy of the quarks alone in the QCD vacuum, accounts for almost 99% of the mass within a proton.  It’s ALL made from energy, not entropic physical matter!  The gluons or energy are what give the neutrons and protons stability and make them last essentially for forever.  Proton decay has NOT been observed.  Why?  It’s because the underlying energy is always conserved.  Gluons and quarks are just different FORMS of energy.  Gluons are viciously strong attractive forces within the Quantum Chromodynamic Field.  Who is making these quarks and gluons ACT this way rather than some other way?  It has to be Someone Psyche.  Therefore, Psyche or Consciousness ends up being the fundamental unit of reality – NOT quarks and gluons.

Protons and neutrons can be transformed into each other which means that they are NOT conserved; but, the underlying energy is always conserved.  Remember, the FORM of the energy is NEVER conserved; but, the underlying energy is always conserved.  If the Gods were to pull all of the gluons out of this physical universe into a different dimension or universe, the whole thing would dissolve back into the chaos or anarchy from whence it came.  The gluons, quarks, forces, fields, laws, restrictions, order, and organization were MADE, which means that entropy and physical matter were also made.  Anything that is made or organized is NOT being conserved.  In contrast, the underlying Energy or Psyche or Intelligence was NOT made and it cannot be destroyed because it is always conserved.  This is what has been experienced and observed.

I define Science as observation and experience; and, I have observed that the observations and experiences of the human race as a whole FALSIFY Materialism, Naturalism, Darwinism, Nihilism, Atheism, and their derivatives.  Contrary to what these people claim, entropic physical matter is NOT the only thing that exists.  Entropic physical matter is NOT the fundamental unit of reality.  Materialism, Naturalism, Darwinism, Nihilism, and even Atheism are FALSIFIED by Quantum Field Theory and the Ultimate Law of Thermodynamics.  Psyche or Quantum Non-Local Consciousness ends up being the fundamental unit of reality.  A Psyche Ontology ends up being the Ultimate Model of Reality.

We have to expand, enhance, and upgrade our Theories of Physics to include Psyche or the Conserved; otherwise, we will NEVER be able to explain what has been experienced and observed.

Quantum Field Theory supports and predicts the Ultimate Law of Thermodynamics which states that physical matter and the other FORMS of energy such as entropy are NOT conserved.  It’s all made from energy, and entropic physical matter consists of different FORMS of energy.  Quanta or “particles”, including physical matter, are packets of energy.  Quanta or particles are changing FORM all the time, which means that they are NOT conserved.  Quantum Field Theory supports these ideas.  The energy in the quantum fields is conserved; whereas, the “particles”, or physical matter, or quanta come and go which means that they are NEVER conserved.  You can see the truthfulness of these assertions with your own eyes by studying the Feynman Diagrams.  There is NOTHING fundamental about physical matter.  Everything is made from different FORMS of energy, including physical matter.  Made by whom?  Organized by whom?  By Someone Psyche!  Who else would be able to organize energy into its different FORMS at the quantum level or the psyche level?

Packets of energy, fields of energy, quarks made from energy, gluons made from energy, and the Psyche or Intelligence within all that energy ends up being the fundamental basis of reality.  Psyche or Intelligence ends up being the fundamental unit of reality or the causal unit of reality – the conserved unit of reality.  In contrast, entropic physical matter is MADE from many different quanta or packets of energy that we often call “particles”; and, when it comes to the electrons and the virtual photons in the Feynman Diagrams, it is obvious that they are NOT conserved.  They are being transformed all the time!  ONLY the underlying Energy, or Psyche, or Intelligence is conserved.  This is what has been experienced and observed!

The Secrets of Feynman Diagrams

Remember, Psyche is the person who makes the particles or the quanta and starts them moving in the first place.  Psyche or Intelligence is the causal force or organizing force behind the quantum fields, quantum packets of energy, “particles”, and the choices being made during the particle interactions that are diagrammed on the Feynman Diagrams.  Psyche or Intelligence is the reason why the quarks, gluons, bosons, and electrons ACT the way they ACT rather than acting some other way or not acting at all.  Psyche or Intelligence explains why there is something rather than nothing.  Psyche is the thing that instantiates quanta, makes quanta, or causes the “particles” to begin in the first place.  Psyche is the thing that chooses or decides what type of quantum a newly generated energy packet will be.  Psyche is the Organizing Force behind everything else.  Psyche is like a permanent Starbase – it generates, transmits, receives, and stores quantum waves or packets of energy.  Psyche is conserved.  Psyche is the fundamental unit of reality and existence.  By allowing Psyche and Quantum Mechanics in to play, we can literally explain everything that comes our way.  Try it, you might like it!

Due to the observations and the experiences of the human race as a whole, I upgraded my science to Science 2.0.  According to Science 2.0, the BEST and FASTEST way to find and know the truth is to live it and experience it first-hand for yourself, or to choose to trust someone who has.  The Human Psyche is KNOWN by living it and experiencing it, especially while your physical brain and physical body are dead and gone.  Science 2.0 allows all of the evidence into evidence and then pursues a preponderance of that evidence.  That’s how I was able to identify and discover the Ultimate Law of Thermodynamics.  That’s how I was able to FALSIFY Materialism, Naturalism, Darwinism, Nihilism, and Atheism.

Phenomenology or the Lived Experiences of the human race had a very powerful influence in changing and altering my life, my science, my philosophy of life, and my worldview.  The Phenomenologists, Near-Death Experiencers, and Out-of-Body Travelers changed the way that I look at the world.  Thanks to these people, I’m no longer the same individual that I used to be.  I’m no longer a Materialist, Naturalist, Nihilist, and Atheist.

In order to fully comprehend Quantum Mechanics and Syntropy, you must understand and accept the impact and influence of Quantum Non-Local Consciousness (or Psyche) on quantum mechanisms.  Without that knowledge and understanding, your comprehension of Quantum Mechanics will always be incomplete.  You must find an interpretation of Quantum Mechanics and Syntropy that explains what the Human Psyche and Nature’s Psyche are doing at the quantum level or psyche level in order to get things done for us at the physical level.  Without this bridge between the quantum and the physical, your knowledge and understanding of science will always be incomplete and ineffective.  You must know how Psyche or CHOICE fits into the picture, if you want to understand how science really works at every level of existence.

Here’s a list of some of the observational experiences of Psyche or Intelligence that changed my life.

Psyche or Consciousness without a Spirit Body


Nowadays, I define Science as observation and experience; and, I treat experience as scientific evidence.  After reading William Buhlman’s account of how he left his physical body, asked to see his spirit body, and found that he was an immaterial viewpoint in space while looking at his spirit body, I started looking for corroborating evidence to verify what William Buhlman reported.  I began looking for the people who had the experience of being an immaterial pinpoint of consciousness, a pinprick of light, or a spark on the ceiling instead of looking for themselves and seeing parts of their spirit body.  I have been looking for the experience of Psyche and the observation of Psyche.

William Buhlman wrote the following:

Journal Entry, October 2, 1982

I hear the buzzing, engine-like sounds and will myself out-of-body. [He left his physical body behind.] I step to the bedroom door and automatically request “Clarity now!” My vision improves, and I step through the door, into the living room. Still feeling a little out of sync, I verbally repeat my request with more emphasis, “Clarity now!” I feel my awareness and vision snap into place.

My thoughts are clear, and I make a verbal demand, “I need to see the form I’m in now!” Instantly I feel an intense sensation of being drawn within myself. I’m suddenly different, weightless as though I’m floating in space. As I look forward I see a sparkling, bluish white form. For some reason, I seem to know that I’m looking at my nonphysical body from a different perspective. I stare in amazement at this form before me that shines and flows with energy and light. It looks like an energy mold created from a million tiny points of light; it radiates a bluish glow but appears to have a defined outer structure. The body of light before me is naked and is identical to my physical form. Even though my body looks firm, there is a noticeable energy motion and radiation present. I can see what appears to be an ocean of blue stars throughout my body. It’s difficult to describe because the stars are stable yet moving at the same time; the light and energy of my [spirit] body appear to change and flow almost like the waves of an ocean.

As I stare at the body of light, it hits me that I must be in another body. Yet I can’t perceive any form or substance; I’m like a viewpoint in space without shape or form of any kind. [He, his immaterial viewpoint in space, is pure psyche or intelligence or consciousness.]  As I reflect upon my new state of being, I feel a sensation of rapid motion and I’m instantly back within my physical body.

Lying still and reviewing my experience, I’m struck by an inescapable conclusion: I must possess multiple energy-bodies. The form I just experienced was noticeably lighter (less dense) than even my second nonphysical body. I realize that the traditional view of our possessing two bodies — a physical body and a spiritual body — is far too simplistic; we are much more complex than this. Just as there are multiple nonphysical energy dimensions within the universe, each of us must consist of multiple energy-bodies or vehicles of expression.

Now I seriously wonder just how many nonphysical bodies or forms this involves. I suspect that there must be one within each dimension of the universe and that all of these are interrelated and connected, just as the physical body is connected to its first nonphysical (spiritual) body.

[See:  Buhlman, W. L. (1996). Adventures Beyond the Body: How to Experience Out-of-Body Travel. New York: HarperCollins.]

For me personally, this was the turning point.  This was the straw that broke the camel’s back.  After reading this book, and this journal entry in particular, I’ve KNOWN that Psyche or Intelligence is something completely different than one’s spirit body.  Since that moment, I’ve KNOWN that Psyche or Intelligence is an immaterial viewpoint in space – the part of us that has experiences and forms memories of those experiences.  Ever since then, I’ve KNOWN that our spirit body and physical body don’t have experiences and don’t form memories while our Psyche is separated from them.

I treated this account as Scientific Evidence; and, I went searching for confirming evidence.  Seek and ye shall find.  I found what I was looking for, which tells me that it is true.  Psyche is experienced as an immaterial viewpoint in space.  Psyche is seen or observed as a point particle of light, a pinprick of light, or a spark of light.  Psyche has been experienced and observed!  That REALITY makes it Science because Science is observation and experience.

Science 2.0 allows ALL of the evidence into evidence, and then it pursues a preponderance of the evidence.  The BEST and FASTEST way to find and know the truth is to live and experience it for yourself, or to choose to trust someone who has.  If a phenomenon is real, then you should be able to find corroborating evidence; and I do, when it comes to Psyche or Quantum Non-Local Consciousness.

When people are separate from their spirit body and physical body, and they are viewing their physical body while they are an immaterial spark on the ceiling, they are experiencing their Psyche first-hand rather than their spirit body.  It happens to some out-of-body travelers, but not all of them.

A more common out-of-body experience is to see parts of their spirit body – hands, arms, legs, and feet – but not their skull or eyes.  If you close your eyes right now and try to sense where you are when your physical eyes are closed, you will sense that you (your psyche) is in the third eye position just behind your skull.  That’s the position from which you perceive things as well while inside your spirit body exploring the astral plane.

Psyche has been experienced and observed.  Our job as scientists is to figure out what it is and how it works rather than trying to explain it away, dismissing it, and pretending that it doesn’t exist.  Denial of evidence and rejection of evidence makes for bad science.  Feynman Diagrams map or portray the interaction of “particles” or quanta within Quantum Fields.  Psyche is the thing that makes those particles and starts those particles moving in the first place.

One of my most interesting and useful Scientific Discoveries came to me when I first realized that Intelligences or Psyches, whenever they are seen or observed, manifest as a Pinpoint of Light, a Spark of Light, a Pinprick of Light, or a Photon of Light BOTH at the quantum spiritual level and at the macro physical level.

Direct experiential evidence of Psyche is rather rare; but, I have found a few experiential accounts of the nature and functionality of Psyche or Non-Local Consciousness while it is separated from its spirit body.  Most of them were found on YouTube.  Here are a few of them:


A Point of Consciousness in a Wonderful Black Void and Pinpricks of Light

She went looking for her body, hands, and feet and couldn’t find them.  “I was a point of consciousness,” she said.  She also saw other pinpricks of light that she recognized as souls that had passed on.

This NDE and OBE is probably the closest to what I experienced when I died.  I remember floating in a crystal sharp, bright, black, obsidian void; and, for the first time in memory, I was completely and totally at peace.  A part of me died.  My five decades of fear and anxiety died.  I experienced some kind of spiritual rebirth.

I didn’t see my spirit body, didn’t look for my spirit body, and didn’t see anything else either that I remember.  It was bright, black, and I was totally at peace.  I had finally found rest and peace for my troubled soul.

Based upon my experience, the Atheists are right, there’s nothing there when we die; however, the Atheists are wrong, because I was there when I died.

Each person who dies has a different experience and comes back with a different perspective, which is why it’s important to allow ALL of the evidence into evidence, and then pursue a preponderance of the evidence.

I seemed to experience many of the benefits of a Near-Death Experience and none of the side-effects or bad-effects – without having any kind of astounding or amazing experience worth reporting.  I was finally at peace; and, it stayed with me to this very day.  The fear and anxiety were gone.  I’m finally at peace.  I see it as a gift from God.

A Unit of Consciousness

She talks about not being in a spirit body anymore but being a unit of consciousness.  She went on a tour of the universe with the Being of Light at the speed of thought.  The Human Psyche or Human Intelligence can leave its spirit body behind and separate from its spirit body.

Lightning Strike Near-Death Experience – Dr. Anthony Cicoria

When Dr. Anthony Cicoria was struck by lightning, he died.  He, his spirit body, was outside his physical body.  As he walked up the stairs, his spirit body dissolved beneath him and transformed into an orb of light.  He, his Psyche, was looking at his spirit body and later that orb of light from an immaterial third-person perspective or that Third Eye Perspective.  This NDE is Scientific Evidence or Empirical Proof that Psyche, or Intelligence, is a different entity than our spirit body and our physical body.

Consciousness without a Body Attached to It

She Described Herself as Pure Consciousness While Out-of-Body

No Body – Just Pure Consciousness

Near Death Experience of Barbara Wilcox

In the next NDE, Barbara Wilcox explains not having a body, or spirit, or a soul but being Total Intelligence.

The Human Psyche or Human Intelligence is something completely different than our spirit body; and, our spirit body is something completely different than our physical body.

Intelligence or Psyche pre-dated the birth and organization of our Spirit Body.  Our Psyche is described as an immaterial viewpoint in space, a point of consciousness, a spark on the ceiling, a pinprick of light, a speck of dust, a mote, or total intelligence.

Our spirit body seems to be malleable and can take on different shapes at will.  In non-consensus realities, your spirit body can take on any shape that you want it to be.  An orb of light is a common shape used for describing a spirit body.  For the spirit children of God, our human shape is the most common shape that we see whenever our spirit body is viewed; however, Satan, the devils, and the evil spirits have denied and rejected their heritage as the spirit children of God, and these evil spirits can and do take on any shape that they want – serpents, dragons, alien grays, spacecraft, Nordic aliens, purple monstrosities, forked tail, pitchfork, red skin, and horns.

Our physical body is a part of the Ultimate Consensus Reality, which means that there’s not a lot that we can do to change our physical body at will, because our physical body was designed to stay the same.

Both our physical body and our spirit body have NO memorable experiences and form NO new memories while the Human Psyche is separated from them.  It’s the Human Psyche who forms and stores new memories and has experiences worth remembering.  Our spirit body is simply a convenient way to interface with the spirit realm; and, our physical body is an essential necessity for interfacing with this physical reality, which is the Ultimate Consensus Reality.

Susan Volt Talks about the Divine Spark within Each of Us

The word “spark” is used quite often by NDErs and others to describe the Human Psyche or the Human Intelligence.  It’s the spark of life.  Psyche is life.  Psyche is the Life Force.

Even in science fiction – something like the Transformer movies – they talk about the Spark or the AllSpark, which is the Life Force within us and within them.

The series Earth: Final Conflict did a great deal of discussion about Psyches and our spirit or ghost, often portraying them as two different things.  There’s a lot of talk about Quantum Mechanics within that series, because Psyche and Quantum Mechanics are integrated together and inseparable.  In that series, Psyche or Consciousness has NO physical limitations, which means that it isn’t limited by the speed-of-light.  Entropy and the speed-of-light limitation applies only to physical matter.  They don’t apply to quantum mechanisms, spirit matter, and psyche.  Syntropy is the natural state in the quantum realm, or the psyche realm, or the spirit world.  There are NO physical limitations at the quantum level or the psyche level.

The Materialists and Naturalists have a hard time accepting and understanding Quantum Mechanics and Psyche, because Quantum Mechanics or Transdimensional Physics is supernatural in nature and origin.  Quantum Tunneling or Teleportation is a supernatural phenomenon that happens automatically at the quantum level or the psyche level but is greatly limited and restricted at the physical level by the physical limitations that God has imposed on physical matter.  You don’t want your physical atoms within your physical body quantum tunneling away on you one at a time until you dissolve into thin air.  God has imposed physical limitations on physical matter to prevent that from happening to you.

It’s interesting to observe that whenever the Human Psyche is separated from its spirit body, it’s the Human Psyche or Human Intelligence who is having the experiences and forming the memories, and NOT the spirit body.  The Life or the Spark is something completely different than the spirit body and the physical body.  It’s always the Psyche or the Spark who has the experiences and forms the memories, not the spirit body and not the physical body.

Nicole Swann Is an Awareness Looking Out but No Body

It’s our psyche, or intelligence, or non-local consciousness who has and experiences awareness.  It’s not our spirit body, and it’s definitely not our physical body.  Our physical body has no experiences and forms no memories while our psyche is separated from our physical body.  The same can be said of our spirit body.  It has no experiences and forms no memories while our psyche is separated from our spirit body.

Jessica Near-Death Experience of a Different Kind

In the following NDE, Jessica describes being a Point of Light, a Small Spec, and a Pinpoint of Light during her near-death experience.  She, too, is describing Psyche or Non-Local Consciousness.  Jessica also described the fact that we don’t see everything and don’t understand everything which is there to be seen and understood while out-of-body.  Instead, there is ever-growing awareness and understanding, with still more to go that is never reached.  Jessica could sense the presence of others, but she didn’t engage with them during her NDE as much as others seem to do.  Hers is the most “self-centered” NDE that I have encountered so far.  Jessica’s Psyche is very much the center of her universe.

There are many things about Jessica’s NDE that are atypical, abnormal, weird, unusual, and strange – making some people believe that she’s faking the whole thing.  I include her in this short list, because she talks about being that immaterial spark during her NDE.  I’ve never heard Jessica talk about her spirit body.  She always describes herself as a spark; and because of my research, I define that “immaterial spark” or “viewpoint in space” as Psyche, Intelligence, or Non-Local Consciousness within my books.

It’s interesting how they each describe something different, yet something similar as well.

Due to all the empirical evidence or observational evidence from NDEs and OBEs, I believe that I have finally found the Correct Model of Reality or the Ultimate Model of Reality.

“The Ultimate Model of Reality:  Psyche Is the Ultimate Cause”

Psyche or Intelligence or Non-Local Consciousness is something completely different than a spirit body.  The psyche and spirit body exist on different frequencies in different dimensions.  The Psyche or Intelligence is eternal and everlasting without beginning of days or an end of years – PURE SYNTROPY.

In contrast, our spirit body had a point in time when it was organized by the Gods – a birth date.  If you can read this, then your spirit body is a child of God, a child of your Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother.  Raw spirit matter is also PURE SYNTROPY, without beginning of days or an end of years.  But, the birthdate of our spirit body or the organization of our spirit body did indeed have a beginning.

It’s ALL matter and energy, all the way down to the most elementary of particles.  If there is such a thing as a point particle, then Psyche or Intelligence is it.  Psyche is some kind of smart dust or intelligent energy.  Psyche or Intelligence is smaller than a string.  Psyche is the thing that sets the frequency at which the string vibrates.  Thoughts and memories are like quantum waves or vibrations within a string.  The smaller can dwell within and control the larger.  Psyche produces and controls the quantum waves or the vibrations within the strings.  Psyche is like an infinite singularity.

Two particles of matter can occupy the same space at the same time if they are out of phase with each other, existing a different frequency or dimension from each other.  Consequently, a spirit body and its assigned physical body as well as their Psyche can all occupy the same space at the same time because they are out of phase with each other.  The quantum functionality known as phase-shifting allows the Psyche, the Spirit Body, and the Physical Body to occupy the same location or the same space at the same time.  It works due to a feature known as Quantum Superposition.  Different quantum waves can occupy the same space at the same time in a cumulative or additive fashion, forming a united whole, but also at the same time remaining completely separate from each other as well.

Due to the same Quantum Superposition feature, it’s possible for your Psyche and your Spirit Body to be in two different places on opposite sides of our earth at the same time.  Due to the fact that our physical body is part of the Ultimate Consensus Reality, this dual-presence feature doesn’t seem to apply to our physical body.  Although dual-presence is theoretically possible for a physical body thanks to Quantum Superposition, God seems to prevent that from happening where the physical body is concerned, because physical matter and physical bodies have been subjected to physical limitations and entropy by God in order to make our physical reality dependable, reliable, predictable, and controllable.  There are NO physical limitations at the quantum level or the psyche level, so infinitely more is possible at the quantum level or the syntropy level.

Quantum Mechanics is infinitely more versatile and infinitely more powerful than Materialism, Naturalism, Nihilism, and Classical Physics.  Quantum Mechanics has infinitely more explanatory power than Materialism and Naturalism do.  Quantum Mechanics makes for better science and better philosophy than Materialism, Naturalism, and Classical Physics do.

WE KNOW that Psyche or Intelligence exists and that it is REAL because it has been observed as pinpricks of light and experienced first-hand from a first-person perspective.  The existence of Psyche or Intelligence or Non-Local Consciousness has been VERIFIED by observation and experience.

In contrast, something like the Multi-Me Theory or the Parallel Worlds Theory has been FALSIFIED due to a complete lack of observation.  Nobody has observed this phenomenon nor experienced it, outside of science fiction.  Likewise, chemical evolution and the associated theory of evolution have been FALSIFIED due to a complete lack of observational evidence because chemical evolution of genes and proteins from atoms is physically impossible thanks to entropy or the second law of thermodynamics.

Do you see how that works?

Truths are repeatedly VERIFIED by being observed and experienced.  In contrast, falsehoods and lies and fiction – like chemical evolution or the evolution of completely new and different life forms from random mutations and natural selection – are repeatedly FALSIFIED by a complete lack of verification or a complete lack of observational evidence.

According to Science 2.0, the BEST and FASTEST way to find and know the truth is to observe it, live it, experience it, and VERIFY it.  The second-best way to find and know the truth is to use the negating the consequent version of the Scientific Methods to falsify and eliminate everything that is false so that only the truth remains.  If you successfully eliminate everything that is false, then only the truth will remain.  This is Logic 101.

Science 2.0: I Upgraded My Science

Materialism, Naturalism, Darwinism, Nihilism, and Atheism are FALSIFIED due to a complete lack of observational evidence, or a complete lack of supporting evidence, or a complete lack of verification.  That’s the same way that we have falsified the Multi-Me Theory or the Parallel Worlds Theory.  Chemical evolution, spontaneous generation, abiogenesis, and macro-evolution have ALL been FALSIFIED due to a complete lack of observation.  These things are physically impossible and prevented from happening by entropy or the second law of thermodynamics.

Every aspect of the Theory of Evolution has been FALSIFIED due to a complete lack of observation, or a complete lack of empirical evidence, or a complete lack of verification.  Random mutations and natural selection have NEVER been caught in the act of designing and creating completely new and different life forms from the pre-existing life forms that God designed and created; and, evolution (genetic drift), random mutations, and natural selection did NOT exist until AFTER God designed and created the genes, genomes, proteins, eyes, brains, and life forms in the first place.  These truths are so obvious that I sometimes wonder how I was able to overlook them for fifty years of my life.

Science is all about observation and experience.  Go with the experienced and the observed; and then, get rid of all the rest – the philosophical speculation and wishful thinking.

Remember, Psyche or Quantum Non-Local Consciousness has been experienced and observed.  Psyche or Intelligence is a massless quantum or a massless elementary particle; and, Psyche looks like and acts like a Photon whenever it is seen or observed, both at the quantum spiritual level and at the macro physical level.  At every level of existence, Psyche or Intelligence uses mass, energy, or matter in order to get things done.  Photons and other massless quantum particles have been experienced and observed which means that different types of Psyches or Intelligences have also been experienced and observed.  The massless elementary particles within fermions, leptons, quarks, electrons, and neutrinos are Controlling Psyches or Controlling Particles who command and control the mass, energy, forces, and fields that surround them.  This is what has been experienced and observed.

Mark My Words


My Time in the Void


I don’t consider my experience to be an NDE.  I don’t think it happened when I was near-death during my suicide attempt, but sometime later during the withdrawal phase of my addiction when I was near death or wishing I could die.  For me, withdrawal lasted six months after I decided to go cold turkey from all the different prescription drugs that they had me on and had gotten me addicted to.  During this six-month withdrawal period, my sense of time was gone, my sense of reality was distorted, I was psychotic and delusional, my sense of right and wrong was gone, I was apathetic, I wanted to die, I couldn’t remember how to turn on a computer or television, and I was in a lot of pain and confusion.

I was tripping the light fantastic.  I found out later that one of the psychiatrists had diagnosed me as being schizophrenic.  That was a misdiagnosis, because I was actually suffering from substance-induced psychosis and withdrawal symptoms; but, I didn’t figure out any of this until years later.  I didn’t know what the hell was going on, but it was hell.

I didn’t believe in God anymore.  I was an Atheist.  But, at a couple of the worst times during the withdrawal, I remember crying out, “God help me.  I can’t take this anymore.”  And apparently, He did.  When the pain is severe enough, you will say and do anything to get it to stop.

At some point along the way, a part of me did die; and, for the first time in my existence, I finally achieved peace.  I don’t think it was a gift from my suicide attempt, but more of a gift from finally getting sober.  Like I said, I lived for over six months without any real sense of time; and, I was very much in an atheistic frame of mind.  I was delusional and hallucinating the whole time.  I’m one of those who convinced himself that my NDE didn’t happen – that I simply imagined it all – but the profound change in psyche, personality, psychology, and perspective was definitely real and life-changing.

After dreaming of the void or floating in the void completely at peace, my psychology completely changed from anxiety, dread, fear, paranoia, and anger to one of peace and compassion.  It was a spiritual rebirth of some sort, and the peace has continued to last ever since.

I consider October 31, 2012, to be my birthday.  By then I was back to the land of the living, and I fully realized how insane, psychotic, delusional, and paranoid had really been.  By that day, I had finally started thinking rationally once again.  All the addictive medications were out of my system.  My brain had rebalanced or normalized, and the withdrawal period was coming to an end.

They wouldn’t let me quit the Zoloft, but by October 31, 2012, they had had me tapering down the Zoloft to a maintenance dose for a month or more; and, I felt an infusion of happiness, peace, and joy.  I was back, and better than before.  Good enough.


The Blind Can See While Out-of-Body


Spiritual consciousness is like the internet.  It continues to exist when the computer or the brain is turned off.  Spiritual vision continues to exist, even though the physical brain was never able to see.


Powerful Life Reviews


Merging and Becoming One or Omniscient


Renee Pasarow – Near Death Experience


Eben Alexander: A Neurosurgeon’s Journey through the Afterlife


Confirmed Out-of-Body Experiences


Saw and Described the Operating Theater

Maria Sees a Tennis Shoe on a Ledge While Dead and Out-of-Body

The Dead Person Describes the Operating Theater

A Shared-Death Experience (SDE)

The Bubble of Protection, Quantum Tunneling, and Teleportation

Near-Death Experience: Conversations with God

Rudolf Smit – The Self Does Not Die: 104 Cases of Verified NDEs

NDE Research Proves Afterlife Exists

Dr. Jeffrey Long – God and the Afterlife – Science & Spirituality Collide

Dr. Gary Habermas – Near Death Experiences

Penny Satori – Documented Cases Near-Death Experiences


Shared-Death Experiences


William Buhlman Out-of-Body Experiences


William Buhlman has turned out-of-body experiences into a business, a science, and a way of life.  There is no end to what he has available for free on the internet.  What you won’t get from William Buhlman is any contact with God or religion because he seems to have had no experience with either.

I used to be a Materialist, Naturalism, Nihilist, and Atheist; so, William Buhlman was the first person to get through to me and convince me that there’s more to existence than this physical reality, because he treated his OBEs as a science and actually experimented with the phenomenon.


After Effects of NDEs

Alicia Fagan on some of the after effects of an NDE.

Nancy Rynes on NDE after effects and adjustments.


The After Effects of My Personal Experiences


After my brush with death, spiritual death, and spiritual rebirth, I have experienced some of the positive effects of NDEs.  I had fifty years of anxiety and fear.  The fear is gone.  For the first time in my remembered existence, I’m at peace.  I’m not afraid of death.

I worked out a system with God to get answers to my questions.  I want to know how things really work; and, whenever I ask God a question, He either tells me in my mind what book to read next where I find my answer, or He reveals to me the next morning while waking up the answer to my question if the answer is not easily available in one of the books that I own.

Sometimes, I’ll spend a month or two writing a book based upon a hypnopompic flash of insight that came to me in answer to prayer while waking up the next morning.  It can take months to put into words that single flash of insight, which I had months before in answer to my prayer.

I don’t see dead people, and don’t have visions or any of that.  That doesn’t seem to be my calling or gift.  But, I do seem to get answers to my prayers whenever it comes to science, reality, and how things really work at all levels of existence or in every dimension of existence.  Sometimes the answers have been quite surprising, and far outside the box of the natural sciences or the physical science.

Once I got rid of My Materialism, My Nihilism, and My Atheism, it opened me up to infinitely more.  Materialism, Naturalism, and their derivatives are the greatest bane and hindrance to scientific discovery that mankind has ever created.  Quantum Mechanics and Psyche are supernatural in nature and origin.  The very existence of Psyche and Quantum Mechanics as well as verified proof of quantum mechanisms FALSIFIES Materialism, Naturalism, Darwinism, Nihilism, Behaviorism, Scientism, Determinism, and Atheism.

Quantum Mechanics and Naturalism are mutually exclusive because Quantum Mechanics is supernatural and Naturalism states that the supernatural does not exist.  They both can’t be true at the same time.  If one of them is true, then the other has to be false.  Quantum Mechanics has observational evidence, experimental evidence, and verified evidence supporting it; whereas, there is NO evidence and can NEVER be any evidence to support the claim of Naturalism which states that the supernatural does not exist.  It’s logically impossible to provide evidence of something’s non-existence.  It can’t be done.  It’s physically impossible.

Quantum Mechanics is supernatural.  Its very existence falsifies Naturalism, Materialism, and their derivatives such as Darwinism and Atheism.  Quantum Mechanics and Psyche are true and verified; whereas, Materialism, Naturalism, and their derivatives are false and have been falsified.  If you choose to follow the evidence and choose to allow ALL of the evidence into evidence, it is immediately clear that Psyche and Quantum Mechanics are true because they have been observed and experienced, and it’s equally clear that Materialism and Naturalism are false because their claims are impossible to observe and experience.  Observation trumps philosophical speculation every time, or at least it should.

Science is observation.  Materialism and Naturalism are unscientific, because their hidden assumptions or major premises cannot be observed nor experienced.  Psyche and Quantum Mechanics have been observed and experienced.  Materialism and Naturalism have not been observed nor experienced because they can’t be.  You can’t experience nor observe the non-existence of something, such as the non-existence of the supernatural or the non-existence of Quantum Mechanics.  You cannot observe the non-existence of God and Psyche, either; but, you can definitely experience these things and observe these things for yourself or choose to trust someone who has.

Can you see the difference between the observed and the verified in comparison to the unobservable, unverified, and falsified?  The one is true and the other is false.  Quantum Mechanics and Naturalism are mutually exclusive.  If one of them is true, then the other one is automatically false.  Psyche, Intelligence, Life, Syntropy, the Supernatural, and Quantum Mechanics are true, which means that Materialism, Naturalism, Darwinism, and their derivatives are false.  It’s really simple to understand once a person chooses to do so.


How Quantum Physics and Psychology Affirm NDEs

Since I’m a scientist by nature, I also turn to Quantum Mechanics in order to explain Quantum Non-Local Consciousness or Psyche, Out-of-Body Experiences, and Near-Death Experiences.  Quantum Mechanics is vastly superior to classical physics when it comes time to try to explain what’s happening to us at the quantum level or the psyche level.  Quantum Mechanics is a proven and verified science, and it’s time that we as a race start using Quantum Mechanics to explain our observational experiences while we are out-of-body exploring the Astral Plane.

Your consciousness, the Human Psyche, is what makes your reality in any plane of existence that we can possibly imagine.  Wherever you go, there you are.  You don’t cease to exist when your physical body and physical brain die or go offline for an extended period of time.


Scientists Who Have Had NDEs


Life-long scientists have interesting and unique perspectives on NDEs, especially after they have had one.  By best friend is a patent holding scientist.  He is also a seer and has had NDEs and visions.  He has been in the presence of Jesus Christ our Savior, and he has had a lot of other amazing and interesting experiences while out-of-body or in-the-spirit.

I have gone out of my way to collect NDEs from scientists who have had them; and, TED talks have proven to be a good source.

There are others:

I’m a scientist.  I define Science as observation and experience.  As I see it, we scientists have to take these observations and experiences seriously if we want to find out what things really are and how they truly work.  The BEST and FASTEST way to find and know the truth is to live it, experienced it, and observe it for yourself, or to choose to trust someone who has.


Encounters with God or Jesus Christ


Whenever the being of light and love identifies himself, it’s always Jesus Christ whom NDErs encounter and experience when they have separated from their physical body.  These various NDEs convinced me that Jesus Christ does in fact exist.  Should you find yourself in hell, Jesus Christ will come to you and get you out of there just for the asking.  That’s probably the most valuable lesson that I have learned from all of this.


Howard Storm Saved from Hell by Jesus

Taught by Jesus Christ: Ralph Jensen Shares NDE (Near Death Experience)

Lee Stoneking Addresses UN General Assembly

George Ritchie

Richard Met God

Erica Had Two Different Types of Life Review during Her Encounter with God

Ian McCormack – NDE – former atheist – near death experience

Dr. Mary Neal – Raised from the Dead

A Wide Variety of NDE Encounters with Jesus Christ


A preponderance of the evidence tells us that Jesus Christ is the being of light and the being of love whom we encounter after we die.  A preponderance of the evidence tells us that Jesus Christ exists and that He truly rose from the dead.  Science is supposed to be about observation and experience, not philosophical speculation.  Science is supposed to be phenomenological, not just hypothetical wishful thinking.  The Materialists, Naturalists, Darwinists, Behaviorists, Determinists, Nihilists, and Atheists don’t want God to exist, so these people deliberately reject, censor, block, ban, and destroy any evidence to the contrary.  That’s NOT science.  That’s the actions of religious dogmatism, fanatical extremism, wishful thinking, and blind faith.  It’s a perversion of rationality, logic, and science to block, ban, censor, ridicule, and destroy evidence.  Materialism, Naturalism, Atheism, and their derivatives are based upon a refusal to look at evidence.  Refusing to look at evidence is a logic fallacy.


Truth Is Known through a Preponderance of the Observational Evidence


According to Science 2.0, the BEST and FASTEST way to find and know the truth is to observe it, live it, and experience it for yourself, or to choose to trust someone who has.  Through phenomenology or lived experiences, we can go directly to knowing the truth without having to run expensive and time-consuming science experiments.  Furthermore, our physical science experiments definitely infer that the quantum level, quantum realm, and quantum mechanisms are real and truly exist; but, our physical experiments cannot provide direct evidence that the quantum level or psyche level is there nor explain what these things are truly like.  When it comes to the quantum level, psyche level, or syntropy level, the BEST and FASTEST way to know that it is real and truly exists is to observe it, live it, and experience it for yourself or to choose to trust someone who has.

The preponderance of the evidence tells me that the NDE and OBE phenomenon is real, and that there really is an afterlife and a spirit world.

In contrast, we have the Materialists, Naturalists, Nihilists, and Atheists telling us that there is no such thing as psyche, God, non-locality, spirit, non-local consciousness, an afterlife, NDEs, OBEs, SDEs, Life Reviews, quantum mechanisms, supernatural mechanisms, and spiritual experiences.

How do they know?

They don’t know.  They can’t know.  It’s impossible to know that something does not exist.

How do they prove that they are right?

The Materialists and Naturalists can’t prove that they are right.  There’s NO way to prove that something doesn’t exist.  It’s physically impossible, philosophically impossible, and logically impossible.

The major premises or primary assumptions of the Materialists, Naturalists, Nihilists, and Atheists are FALSIFIED by a complete lack of observational evidence or a complete lack of verification.  You can’t observe or verify that something doesn’t exist.

ALL of the observational evidence, experiential evidence, empirical evidence, and eye-witness evidence tells us that the Materialist, Naturalists, Darwinists, Nihilists, Behaviorists, Determinists, and Atheists are wrong.  Materialism, Naturalism, and their derivatives are FALSIFIED by observational evidence and a preponderance of that evidence.

People choose to trust and believe the Materialists, Naturalists, Darwinists, Nihilists, Behaviorists, Determinists, and Atheists; BUT, these people haven’t even observed, nor experienced, nor seen anything at all.  It’s impossible to observe that God does not exist.  These people are flying on blind-faith and wishful thinking, and nothing more.  When it comes to science, truth, and reality, you are much better served by choosing to trust and believe someone who has actually observed and experienced something.

Science 2.0 elevates observation and experience over the philosophical speculation of the Materialists, Naturalists, and Atheists.  Science 2.0 allows all of the evidence into evidence and then pursues a preponderance of the evidence.  Science 2.0 is the way that science should have always been done but wasn’t.  We should NEVER have let science be hijacked by the Materialists, Naturalists, Darwinists, Nihilists, and Atheists, because these people don’t KNOW anything because they have never experienced anything and never observed anything.

Science 2.0: I Upgraded My Science

Remember, the BEST and FASTEST way to find and know the truth is to observe it, live it, and experience it for yourself, or to choose to trust someone who has.  In contrast, know that Materialism, Naturalism, Nihilism, and Atheism are FALSIFIED due to a lack of observational evidence supporting their primary assumptions or major premises.

The truth is repeatedly observed, repeatedly experienced, and therefore repeatedly VERIFIED.  In contrast, falsehoods like Materialism, Naturalism, and their derivatives are repeatedly FALSIFIED by a complete lack of observational evidence or a complete lack of verification.  All you want is the truth, unless of course you are a Materialist, Naturalist, Darwinist, Nihilist, Behaviorist, or Atheist – then any old lie will do.

Mark My Words


Putting Psyche Back into Psychology:  Restoring Science to Consciousness



The Ultimate Model of Reality:  Psyche Is the Ultimate Cause

Science 2.0: I Upgraded My Science

Quantum Neuroscience:  The Answer to Life, the Universe, and Everything


The Ultimate Model of Reality